
  ANALYSIS - Dr. Glenn Grimes, a economic leader in the global swine industry, died July 2, 2017, at the age of 94. His phenomenal 60-year career included teaching, advising and consulting. He's best known as a professor emeritus and agricultural economist at the University of Missouri. He earned his undergraduate degree (with distinction) in 1951 and his master's in agricultural economics in 1965. He received the National Pork Producers top award this spring.

  格伦·格里姆斯(Glenn Grimes)博士是全球养猪行业的一名经济学领袖,他于2017年7月2日逝世,享年94岁。在他非凡的职业生涯中,他从事了养猪业教育,为养猪业提供宝贵意见以及咨询的工作。他最为人们所知的,是作为一名美国密苏里大学的农业经济学家,他同时也是那儿的荣誉教授。他分别在1951年和1965年获得了他的学士学位以及他的农业经济硕士学位。在1965年春天,他获得了美国国家猪肉生产商协会的最高奖项。

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