Development of world pig industry in 2020 and its market trends in 2021
中文关键词:  世界生猪产业  2020年现状  2021年趋势
英文关键词:Pig Industry of World  Status of 2020  Trends of 2021
张海峰 广东海洋大学寸金学院生猪产业研究所/国家生猪产业技术体系产业经济研究室, 广东 湛江 524086 
温春燕 广东海洋大学寸金学院生猪产业研究所/国家生猪产业技术体系产业经济研究室, 广东 湛江 524086 
李慧琪 广东海洋大学寸金学院生猪产业研究所/国家生猪产业技术体系产业经济研究室, 广东 湛江 524086 
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      2020年世界猪肉总产量有较大幅度下降,为9 788万吨,比2019年下降了4.02%,世界猪肉产量下降的主要原因是中国的生猪产能下滑。中国是世界上最大的猪肉生产国与进口国,2020年中国猪肉进口量为480万吨,比2019年上升了95.84%;占全球进口总量的46.31%,比2019年占比上升近17.30个百分点。预计2021年下半年中国生猪出栏量将呈持续增加的态势,年底生猪产能将达到非洲猪瘟疫情之前的水平。中国生猪产能的恢复将带动2021年世界猪肉产量的上升。
      In 2020, the world's pork production signifi cantly declined to 97.88 million tons, down 4.02% from that of 2019. The main reason for the decline is the low level of pig production capacity in China. China, as the world's largest pork importer, imported 4.8 million tons of pork in 2020, up 95.84% from 2019, which accounted for 46.31%of the global total pork imports, up nearly 17.30% from 2019. China' s pig production is expected to continue to increase in the second half of 2021, with production reaching in 2018's level by the end of the 2021. In terms of the world pork trade, the recovery in pork imports due to the resumption of Chinese pig production capacity will lead to a rise in the world pork trade in the 2021.
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