Virus identification and bacterial identifcation and isolation and Treatment of PRRS with APP in a pig farm of Shanxi province
中文关键词:    猪繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征  胸膜肺炎放线杆菌  分离鉴定  药敏试验
英文关键词:Pig  PRRS  APP  Dsolation and identification  Drug sensitivity test
张小敏 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
郭波 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
段宝敏 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
冯敬敬 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
李嘉 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
雷向东 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
陈家锃 天津渤海农牧产业联合研究院有限公司, 天津 300000
天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司, 天津 300000 
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      2020年2月份山西某大型规模猪场育肥猪突发呼吸困难,无过多症状表现,即突然死亡,发病率为2%,死亡率1.5%左右。实验室以病死猪为研究对象,综合死亡猪只脏器病变状况观察,无菌采集病死猪的肺脏、肝脏、脾脏病料,进行RT-PCR检测猪蓝耳病原;用含1% NAD和5%胎牛血清的TSA琼脂培养基进行细菌分离培养和纯化,经形态学鉴定、PCR鉴定、16SrRNA基因序列进化树构建等方法,结果显示:该发病猪群为猪繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征并发猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌感染。药敏试验结果显示:该猪胸膜肺炎放线杆菌对安普霉素、硫酸黏菌素、替米考星+氟苯尼考、替米考星+阿莫西林、氟苯尼考、头孢噻呋钠+硫酸黏菌素、头孢喹肟、头孢噻呋钠+新霉素、替米考星+头孢噻呋钠、多西环素+氟苯尼考、头孢噻呋钠+阿莫西林、阿莫西林+克拉维酸钾、头孢噻呋钠+恩诺沙星、新霉素、头孢噻呋钠、安普霉素+头孢噻呋钠敏感。对恩诺沙星耐药。本实验室根据临床及检测结果制定治疗方案,为该猪场的猪繁殖与呼吸障碍综合征并发猪胸膜肺炎的临床诊断及用药提供了理论依据。
      Fattening pigs in a large-scale farm in Shanxi developed sudden respiratory disease, without excessive symptoms and died suddenly in February. The incidence rate was 2% and the mortality rate was about 1.5%. In our laboratory, the diseased pigs were selected as the research objects, and the pathological changes of the organs were observed. Lung, liver and spleen samples were collected from the dead pigs. The bacteria were isolated, cultured and purified on TSA Agar medium containing 1% NAD and 5% fetal bovine serum (FBS). The results were obtained by morphological identification, PCR identification and construction of phylogenetic tree of 16S rRNA gene sequence, it was PRRS complicated with APP infection. The results of the drug sensitivity test showed that, this actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae is sensitive to Apramycin, colistin sulfate, tilmicosin + Florfenicol, Amoxicillin, Florfenicol, cefotifuroxime sodium + colistin sulfate, cefquinome, cefotaxime sodium + Neomycin, tilmicosin + cefuroxime sodium, doxycycline + Florfenicol, ceftiofur sodium + Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin + clavulanate, cefuroxime sodium + Enrofloxacin, neomycin, cefuroxime sodium, Apramycin + Cefuroxime sodium. It is resistant to Enrofloxacin. According to the clinical and test results, the treatment plan was made in our laboratory, which provided the theoretical basis for the clinical diagnosis and medication of PRRS complicated with porcine APP
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